
A very wise mom shared some Mom Wisdom with me and it applies more often than I would like to admit. Here goes: "There is nothing more humbling than children."

Thursday, May 04, 2006


I am the Daisy Girl Scout assistant leader. My good friend is the leader. Her daughter is a trip!

At the end of the meeting the other day our fearless leader comes out with this game she learned in Girl Scout training. The game is called Daisy to Daisy. They each get a partner and the one without a partner is the caller. The caller says a body part and the partners have to touch that body part. So the first caller says "elbow". They all touch elbows and giggle. The caller says "knee." They all touch knees and giggle. The caller then says "Daisy to Daisy." That means they all get a new partner and we have a new caller. So the leader's daughter is the caller. All the girls are giggling and looking at her intently. Without hesitation and as loud as she could she yells, "tongue!" I am just dying trying not to laugh out loud. Her mother freaks out and says "say something that it is ok to touch."

They are in such trouble when this kid is a teenager. Even in my head I was waiting for one of the girls to say butt. I had not even got to tongue!


  • At 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Keep an eye on that girl. No unsupervised 'Daisy To Daisy' parties when she's a teenager.

  • At 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I could totally see my daughter saying "butt." "Butt" and "poopoo head" are her favorite funny words right now. Of course, she's 3! ;)


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