
A very wise mom shared some Mom Wisdom with me and it applies more often than I would like to admit. Here goes: "There is nothing more humbling than children."

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Carpool Hell

There are four kids in 3 different families in the carpool. There is one kindergartner, 2 first graders and a fifth grader. The fifth grader is the kid who talks all the time. She incessantly talks about characters from either shows or video games that I know nothing about. She talks to me not the other kids. I don't even know how to respond.

Anyway, she has been talking about safety patrol and how she is going to be in safety patrol. So yesterday I was waiting in the pickup line for what seemed like forever. You guessed it, she was doing safety patrol! Her mom never even mentioned it. So I guess her mom expects us to wait for her to finish each day. WTF?

I am friends and next door neighbors with her mom. There are only 4 weeks left in the school year so I guess we will put up with it. I told the other mom already and she is freaking out too.

Am I a pushover or what???


  • At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Find out what time safety patrol girl is finished and just wait and pick up everyone then. Is that an option?? If not, her mom has to deal. You can't have all the other kids late for after school activities because of safety patrol.

  • At 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I agree...that's too much to ask of you and the mother mom who is in the carpool. The nerve of the mom! It's hard for me to say no, too. Hopefully you can do the late pick up, if not, I agree with Anne that her mom will just have to suck it up and finish out the year picking her daughter up.

  • At 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hmm fifth graders that talk too much can be annoying. Perhaps switch to new children in the carpool? LOL hehe I know nothing about this carpooling lifestyle!


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