
A very wise mom shared some Mom Wisdom with me and it applies more often than I would like to admit. Here goes: "There is nothing more humbling than children."

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Easy Life

A good friend of mine is a stay-at-home-mom. She was telling me a couple days ago how her husband gave her the "You Have an Easy Life" speech yesterday. It has been the joke amongst my friends and me for a few days now.

We are sending each other emails about what we did and how easy our lives are. My easy life yesterday included:

1. Working full time
2. Taking the dog for a 4.1 mile morning run (yes, I had to include the .1 it counts too!)
3. 4 loads of laundry
4. Coaching the 7 year old soccer practice
5. Driving one of the players home after practice
6. Cooking dinner for my husband and his brother (ok, so I had lasagna in the freezer but it was homemade)
7. Feeding the kids dinner and putting them to bed (ok, so DadWise helped with this)

How was your easy life yesterday?

P.S. - To any husband giving the "You Have An Easy Life" speech: Why would you want us to have a hard life? Isn't it your goal for your wife to have an good and easy life?


  • At 9:28 AM, Blogger Paige said…

    LOL. Boys are dumb! ;) hehe (I've had this conversation also and through much discussion I came to the conclusion that males= just dumb!)

  • At 11:50 AM, Blogger Bolder said…

    thanks for linking my blog.

    i'm always flattered.

    you know, I went into The Great Outdoors (do you have those in Texas?) and I said I want the biggest, bestest laundry machines you've got pronto!

    turns out, they don't load and unload themselves, and they don't fold and put away either.

    plus, us triathletes -- hello laundry! specially in the colder temps... hopefully when it warms up there will be less laundry to do!

    take care, bold.

  • At 8:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh yes!!! My husband just said that recently and I wanted to kill him!!! I was like, hello?? Being a new mom is the hardest job in the world!!!!


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