
A very wise mom shared some Mom Wisdom with me and it applies more often than I would like to admit. Here goes: "There is nothing more humbling than children."

Monday, April 17, 2006

Rule #1 - It's always the Mom's fault

So last Wed I am working with my 7 year old daughter (soccer girl) on her homework. We are sitting at the kitchen table and she is in tears by the time DadWise comes home. She cannot figure out her worksheet but does not want me to help her with it. I am trying to convince her to let me help her get started. Next thing I know - tears!

I throw my arms up and go upstairs to finish up some of my work leaving DadWise with the situation. I can hear DadWise talking to soccer girl:

DadWise: When is this homework due?
Soccer Girl: I was due Monday (two days ago).
DadWise: Why did you not get it done on time?
Soccer Girl: Because Mom didn't have time to help me.

Huh??? It is just always the Mom's fault. I am used to it.


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