
A very wise mom shared some Mom Wisdom with me and it applies more often than I would like to admit. Here goes: "There is nothing more humbling than children."

Monday, April 24, 2006

MS150 Bike Ride

Hubby and I went to the downtown Austin finish line of the MS150 bike ride. This is truly an incredible event. 13,000 riders start in Houston on Saturday morning. They ride 100 miles to La Grange on Saturday and spend the night camping there. They then ride 80 miles from La Grange to downtown Austin on Sunday.

Last year hubby and I both rode in the event. We really enjoyed it. We did not sign up in time this year so we went out to the finish line yesterday. Hubby's office has a team each year. They had 28 riders this year. We got there at 9am and helped set up the tent and all the food and beer for when the riders came in.

It is such an accomplishment for these people riding up to the finish line. Hubby and I cheered riders in from 10:30am to 12:30pm. We both had chills as we cheered these riders we did not know. They would come in: husband and wife holding hands, father and son on a tandem, families riding in wearing matching jerseys, a lone rider video taping the crowd as he rode in, an overweight woman riding in with the biggest smile you have ever seen, friends giving high fives as they ride. Way to go riders!

The ride also raised millions of $$ to fight multiple sclerosis.


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