
A very wise mom shared some Mom Wisdom with me and it applies more often than I would like to admit. Here goes: "There is nothing more humbling than children."

Monday, April 24, 2006

Coaching Soccer Saturday

I coach a team of 7 year old girls. We have 8 kids on the team and we play four at a time in the games. One girl broke her arm a couple weeks ago so she is not allowed to play anymore. I knew one girl had a girl scout camping trip this weekend. 6 kids is not great for a game but 2 subs is workable.

About 10am on Friday I get an email from one of the moms saying that her daughter won't be there on Saturday "because of a previous engagement." Huh? What a wedding just surprised her out of no where? I guess this is Texas. It could have been a shotgun wedding.

So I called the other coach on Friday asking if he wanted to reschedule the game. He did not want the headache of coordinating the game. So we played with 5 players. We got our asses handed to us (for you non-sports fans that is code for we got beat - bad). It just isn't fun for the girls to get their asses kicked and be tired because it's 95 degrees and we have one sub.

Yes, I know they are 7 but could we at least have enough kids to have some fun?

Here is the good news though. I got the following email from one of the parents who was at the game on Saturday:

Just a quick note to say thanks. You do a fabulous job with the girls,
and we truly appreciate it. Thanks, Coach Trisha!

I guess that makes it better!


  • At 12:25 PM, Blogger Busy Mom said…

    Grr...don't even start me on these people who think that recreational sports mean "committment-free".

    The Preschooler Formerly Known as Busy Baby's team had to play with 3 kids the other day.


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