
A very wise mom shared some Mom Wisdom with me and it applies more often than I would like to admit. Here goes: "There is nothing more humbling than children."

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Can I Have Some Tongs Without the Red Stuff?

Just to make my life a little crazier, I have decided that we will eat at least 2 meals a week as a family. I am used to feeding the kids right at 5pm then having dinner for 2 with hubby later.

For our first family dinner I serve spaghetti. Before I sat down I loaded the kid’s plates up.

My 5-year-old: points at the spaghetti noodles and asks, "What is that?"

Me: I know that she knows what noodles are so I think maybe she is talking about the kitchen tongs I used to serve the noodle. I say, "Those are tongs."

My 5-year-old: "Okay, can I have some tongs without the red stuff?"


  • At 6:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That is too funny! We do the same thing. Typically the girls eat early and we eat late! It's not my "ideal" but usually they are starving at 5:30.

  • At 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm on the same dinner schedule. My husband doesn't get home until 7:30. 8:00, so I always feed the kids early and then eat later with him when he gets home. It was easier to eat together as a family before the kids started school.

    Of course, being the slacker mom I am, there ARE the occasional late dinners when we're all eating together, even on a school night, and the kids are getting to bed at 9:30 (can you say, "American Idol?)


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